Saturday, December 15, 2018

Messages of hope

Or should I say messengers of hope?

During a group setting with other parents who have lost children, healthcare professionals who wanted insight on those who have lost, and others present (family members, etc)I was able to share a few experiences my husband and I had after Lorenzo's passing. I had no reservations about what I was sharing, afterall, I felt as though my emotional life at that point was so exposed anyhow. There was nothing I was apprehensive about sharing.

After sharing one of our experiences, a grandmother offered that "sometimes we make things up to make ourselves feel better.." - Wow. Understandable, why should anyone take the word of a stranger? First of all, I have no reason to lie and/or exaggerate a situation. My life at times is so colorful, there is no need to season it. I appreciate a story told as is, so that's how I tell one.