I do not know much about the image chosen for this entry. Although one cannot see the entire statue from the photo, it is apparent that the individual is kneeling and making an offer of some sort, perhaps a plea. While anything is open to interpretation, I identified with it as it was appropriate for the moment at hand.
When Lorenzo passed away I remember a deep feeling of surrender. It was very obvious that I absolutely controlled little, if anything at all, and that it was time to return to a place that I once knew. I remember telling a life coach in the weeks that followed that I felt like holding up a white cloth to the universe and declaring my ultimate surrender. Having always had profound faith in God, I did not have a problem kneeling the ultimate kneel and making a plea for salvation. My soul was in desperate need of repair and so began my journey in finding my way back to the love and light I knew long before Lorenzo's passing.
7 years later, although I walk with my head high, I remain on my knees mentally, physically and spiritually. Life has come full circle in many ways. I continue to learn everyday and do my very best to be of service where possible, especially with those that walk the same path.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.