Noticeably one thing I have not spoken about on this blog site were the circumstances surrounding your passing. To be quite honest, I was on auto pilot and, thankfully, focused on my love for you, my profound love for God, love for my family and the innermost will to survive.
At this point in the blog I started to remember exactly how I felt. I took myself to a place I never want to return. I started to feel sick to my stomach and mind over the events that transpired that day. Deeper and deeper I went. I refuse to go there. I refuse to littler my beautiful memories of Lorenzo with recollections of irresponsibility.
Let me guess.... at this point anyone who thinks they know anything about SIDS would tell me that "there was nothing anyone could have done" -- blah blah blah. Well, I may not wear a white coat, work in a morgue, or wear a dark uniform, but I am an expert in this thing they call SIDS nonetheless.