While digging deep in the trenches of my closet I came across these battered shoes. I thought I had tossed them out a while back, but was not surprised I had not....
The night Lorenzo passed away there were many people at my house. One of them was the first family member I phoned, my sister. I will always have flashbacks of her reaction when I told her what had transpired. One of the things she did when I saw her was to take off the shoes she was wearing and offer them to me. I don't know what compelled her to do so. Maybe it was that I still had my work shoes were still on my feet? In any event, I wore those shoes relentlessly thereafter. As I sit here and compose this note I vividly remember how secure these shoes made me feel as I walked a dark journey that seemed would never end.
I would venture to say that, like many, my sister was at a loss over what to do for me. She will never know what this little gesture of hers did for my soul. Someday I will be strong enough to toss these shoes out. For now, they will sit in my closet, respectively, until I am ready for that next step.
Thanks sis, I love you and am forever grateful.